11:14 PM
Thank you so much for stopping through my blog! I'm so excited for you to join me on my adventures of following my dreams. Please stop by my channel on, YouTube. I'll continue to post videos on various different things, which include, faith, vlogging, randomness, beauty, reviews, hauls, music, and how to tutorials. I'll be sharing my favorite recipes and makeup looks and how to achieve them. Here you'll read about more in depth descriptions of the recipes I cook, and I'll list all products I use for makeup looks here as well. So make sure you come back to catch those! Also, I wanted to share with you how my passions became passions. So come along with me and take a little walk down my memory lane...
Since I was small, I've always had a knack and enjoyed several different things. One that comes to mind is FOOOOOOD! :o) Mmmmm... yummy, delicious, foooooood! Just thinking of all the spectacular things you can do with FOOD! I come from a long line of incredible cooks. My mom and dad, are wonderful in the kitchen, and so were their parents before them. Everything they prepare is delicious! When I cook, they're the examples I follow and I try my best to emulate them, with some minor tweaks here and there. I'm always calling them asking for their recipes, trying to recreate the yummy food from my childhood memories.
One memory that sticks out in my mind is our Chinese food, movie nights on Fridays! Chinese was our absolute favorite! I would get so excited seeing my dad walk in with a jumbo cardboard box, with AT LEAST 10 Chinese take out boxes. My parents would order tons of food and we'd eat, then, watch movies until the wee hours of the morning!
What was on the menu? Sweet and Sour Pork,
Fried Rice,
Chow Mien,
Spicy Mongolian Beef and Steamed Rice,
and finally a couple of boxes of Broccoli Beef (that was a family fav!)
Yum! It was a Chinese takeout feast!
I love to create, and fortunately for me, I married a man who's just as much of a foodie as I am! SCORE! Our favorite foods are ethnic foods and we live by "Have food will travel!" We tag team all the time and come up with some great dishes, some of my favorite times has been him and I together in the kitchen. We include our kids in the fun as well, and make it a family affair. :o)
Also, I was raised around several different types of music, but these were the tunes that were most popular in our house. I can remember the radio being blasted, sky high and smooth R&B would resound through out the house. The sultry sounds of Luther, edgy jams of Michael, and the booming voices of Whitney and Mariah. And who could forget, lots of gospel, from the Winans family. We would all sing along with the music, especially on Saturdays, which was cleaning day. We HATED cleaning day, but the great jams made it seem to go by much easier and quicker.
Also, I was raised around several different types of music, but these were the tunes that were most popular in our house. I can remember the radio being blasted, sky high and smooth R&B would resound through out the house. The sultry sounds of Luther, edgy jams of Michael, and the booming voices of Whitney and Mariah. And who could forget, lots of gospel, from the Winans family. We would all sing along with the music, especially on Saturdays, which was cleaning day. We HATED cleaning day, but the great jams made it seem to go by much easier and quicker.

From dancing to singing, to playing instruments and even rapping...you name it, we do it! My family is very musical. We love an eclectic variety of music. I can even remember back when one of my children was just around two years old, we were shopping in a music store, when he saw a drum set. He climbed up on the stool, picked up the sticks, then crossed his right hand over his left, and started holding a beat on the snare and the symbols! Never had a lesson! As he continued to play, eventually a crowd of shoppers formed around him. They stopped and watched, grinning from ear to ear, as this little boy, who's feet couldn't reach the ground, bobbed his head back and forth and kept a continuous groove! I was so impressed and proud! He was too cute! Music like food is something that has always just come naturally to my family, it's in our blood.

Along with music and food, I've always been somewhat creative and artistic. I can thank my mom for that. She was always being creative. I can remember being a small child, watching her get ready. She would always be well put together and fashionable. I starred at her, fascinated, as she applied her makeup. Black eyeliner, lots of mascara and bright red lips. I always thought she was so pretty. She gave me all her old lipsticks and eye shadows to play in and I would mess around in them from time to time. As I started to get into adolescence, my older sister sat me down and showed me how to properly apply eyeliner, eye shadows, and lipstick. I would watch her put her makeup on too. I must confess I was so jealous of her beauty (and her freedom, she was six years older then I was. hahaha!) However, after her lesson, I started to really get into it!

Something about the whole beauty realm just completely, grabbed me. To enhance and accentuate someones natural beauty and features, or to completely transform someone, by doing their makeup was and still is so impressive and exciting to me. All the wonderful versatile techniques you can do with cosmetics, how you can be so creative, and artistic. You can give a woman a confidence she's never known, or bring an anticipating groom to tears. Really, there are endless options, styles, and possibilities.
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Jennifer Lopez Before and After |
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Lisa Marie Presley, transformed into Marilyn Monroe |

After my sisters lesson, I was always attempting and experimenting with different looks. In high school, I plucked my eyebrows until there was nothing left, and drew in these, ridiculous, over the top, angry, brows. I thought I was so fly. LOL!
Eventually they grew back and a few years later I REALLY got into it. I bought books, magazines, and how to videos, attempting to recreate what I saw. I would watch, "What Not to Wear" especially for the makeup portion. I find that, that fascination resonates in me still today. I'm still so in awe of all the beautiful things you can do with cosmetics! It truly is an art form and the face is the palette.
I can't speak of the passions and loves of my life without speaking of my family. Like I stated in my first blog, when I became a wife and a mother, my life flipped upside down! In a good way. I had never known love like, the love I had for my family before. My husband is absolutely my soul mate and best friend. He knows me so well. In fact, as a family we went to a local restaurant. There was somewhat of a wait, before we were to be taken to our table. I had to use the restroom, and when I had come back my family had been seated. As I began to sit down the waitress came over and said, he ordered for you, and she proceeded to double check with me to make sure I was okay with what he ordered. I smiled because it was exactly right, there had been no previous conversation, he just knew. He's always been very supportive, in every way and I feel so fortunate to have him in my life. He and I have made some awesome kids! I can honestly say my greatest accomplishments are my children. Their all very gifted and creative and such a joy and a pleasure to have around. I know, that's a lot of ands, but it's true! They make me a better me with every passing day and watching them grow up is so exciting but hard at the same time, but a beautiful joy to experience.
Last and certainly not least, is my faith. Faith is so important to me and has definitely shaped me into the woman I am today. I'd be nothing without God. He's my pillar, the lamp to my feet and my rock in which my house is built on. I can walk through this life, knowing no matter what happens I'm never alone.
So now you have a more in depth look at me, my loves and passions and where they derive from. I can honestly say I'm not a pro at any of these things! I'm definitely still learning as I go. But each and every one of these thing means so much to me. I want to share my loves with EVERYONE! And I'd love for you to continue on this journey with me! So, please stay tuned for more adventures with Candie Flavuhs.
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