My Little Unexpected Blessing...

It was early April of 2011.  I was about to celebrate my tenth wedding anniversary with my husband.

 Feeling so fortunate and blessed that we had made it this far.  Remembering the beginning, when we first met, first kissed, and especially when we exchanged vows.  All odds had been stacked against us.  We were very young and didn't quite understand what marriage was going to require from the two of us. Who really does?  All we knew is we were in love and didn't want to be without one another.  So we took the leap!  As I continued to reflect, I thought about our journey.  The laughs, the romance, the misunderstandings, the weak moments, the strong ones. . . the good times and the bad.

God had been faithful to see us through.  He had placed good people in our lives not only to bestow their wisdom upon us, but to be living examples of what a real Godly marriage looked like.  They were there through every joy and every sorrow.  Supporting us, undergearding us, and praying us through difficult times.  What a blessing it has been to serve under these four wonderful people.  Wouldn't have. . . couldn't have. . .  gotten this far without them.   Then I thought about how it started out as 2 of us and quickly turned to 5! Haha!  We had three boys that we just loved to pieces.

They brought a new perspective we had both never known before.  A new level of love and selflessness... compassion and patience!  We had definitely transitioned from, young boy and girl who were zealous for God. . . to mature Christians.  A husband and wife with a family and growing ministry.  I sat and smiled with a tingly, warm, emotional, feeling in my heart.  I was grateful.  A girl who was born into a very different home life, wasn't supposed to have made it this far, wasn't supposed to have all of this.  There was only one explanation... God.  He absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt... Did it all.  My eyes welled up with tears, and I whispered, thank yous and praises to Him for all He has done and is doing and will continue to do.

At that time I'll have to admit, I did have a lot on my plate.  Busy doesn't even describe what I had going on.  It's funny, because I thought I was busy then.  I'm almost twice as busy now! Haha! I don't complain.  It doesn't feel bad at all.  It feels right.  I feel I'm right where I'm supposed to be, doing exactly  what God wants for me.  Actually I don't feel like I've even scratched the surface of what He has called me too! Hahaha! Anyhoo,  I was planning a birthday party for one of my boys,  trying to get the kids activities lined up for the summer, and scrambling to finish up our school year.  We had just moved into a bigger house a few months prior so we were still unpacking and getting settled.  Church and ministry things,  work things, family things... you know, life.   In the midst of all of that, I found myself feeling a little off.  Just felt slightly different then normal.

So one evening when the kids had all been kissed goodnight and were fast asleep, I remember having a conversation with my husband about our plans for the summer.  Amongst conversation about camps and vacation he randomly interjected.  "Do you think you're pregnant?"  I looked at him puzzled at the random question and shook my head.  "Nah, why do you ask?"  He shrugged his shoulders and said that he thought I was little different.  I agreed that I did feel I was a little off, however, there was no doubt in my mind. I told him,  "No, I can't be."  And we left it at that.

Some time had past and the days felt like weeks.   I was dying to know!  Even though I was having LOUD and clear pregnancy symptoms I still was in denial for some reason.  I knew it was probably too soon to try, but the anticipation was killing me!  So, I ran to a pharmacy and grabbed a box with 2 tests in it.  I wanted to be sure! When Jamil got home that evening, I told him that I had the tests and that when the kids go to bed I should take one.  He talked me out of it and told me to hold off for a few more days, so that the test could be as accurate as possible.  I complied but only for a short time, because I woke up with him as he was getting ready for work the next day.  I told him I couldn't take it any longer.  He was just as anxious to know as I was, so he then gave in and waited patiently on the bed...

As I came out of the bathroom, He was still sitting in the same spot on the bed, looking down at the floor.  He nervously looked up at me, with a big smile on his face.  I smiled back and nodded.  "You're pregnant?" he whispered, still smiling.  "I'm pregnant!" I whispered back.  "I knew it!" he shouted.

I have to confess, I was in a bit of shock.  For some reason I just didn't believe it at first.  I covered my wide open mouth and kept repeating, "I'm pregnant!"  At this point my face hurt from smiling so much.  He kept repeating I knew it, I knew it.  We embraced and kissed in utter surprise, but utter joy, that we would have another sweetheart to love.  What a beautiful and special 10 year anniversary present He gave my husband and I.  Another baby. :o)

Wow, baby number four.  Would it be a girl or boy?  Will he or she look like me or him?  What special way can we tell the boys?  Can I handle four?  So many questions ran through my head, I also couldn't help but laugh thinking about  how God really sprung this little blessing on us!  He knew it had been my heart's desire to have another baby.  I was trying to have all my little ducks in row first, but when I think back it was perfecting timing.  Our Mitchell's 5 would now be Mitchell's 6... :o) I couldn't wait to share my news with my friends and family so that they too could share our excitement! We waited a few weeks, I had told only two friends in that time frame.  Then to my surprise one of my friends I had told came back to me little over a week later told me she was expecting as well! I was super excited to have someone to walk the same journey with me!  We knew right away next it was time to tell the boys. . .

 It was so difficult staying mum about something so BIG! I wanted to tell everyone!  I even had some friends at a party ask me, if we were done having children.  In the back of my mind I was laughing thinking, little do you know! LOL! However, I still felt prudent to wait.  I was racking my brain about how and when to tell the kids, for a couple of weeks. I wanted to do some hoopla giant surprise type thing.  Something grand, spectacular, and special.  As it turned out something very simple was just as special if not more.  We sat them down in their play room and told them we needed to have a family meeting.  Our older two sat down, one on the couch and one on the floor, anticipating what was going to be said.  Our youngest, who was 2, at the time sat, but still played quietly, not really caring about the important discussion! Haha!  Jamil started, "Mommy and Daddy want to tell you guys something."  He paused. "That you love us?" one of the boys interjected.  "Yes. We do love you very much, but we want to tell you something else."  *sigh* "With great news... we are going to be having another baby in the house!" Jamil, said while smiling.  The reactions were priceless.  First surprised faces, immediately followed by smiles, jumping up and down, dancing, high fives, along with a whole slew of questions! If pictures are really worth a thousand words, these ones say a whole lot!

It was so exciting to see that they were just as thrilled as we were!  So now that the kids knew, we knew we had to tell everyone else soon, before one of them let the cat out of the bag.  Jamil called his family and told them immediately, they were ecstatic for us! Then I had phoned my other friends and relatives and told them as well.  That Sunday was Mother's Day, so why not tell our church family then. So we did.  My husband stood in front of the congregation and jokingly gave them the news.  Smiles, hugs, and congratulations all around.  I saved my mom for last.  We were taking her to dinner for Mother's Day that evening.  And my middle child, who was 5 at the time,  whispered in my ear, "Can I tell Nana?" "Sure" I replied, with a smile.  He looked at her, smiled and said, "My mommy has a baby." She paused for moment as if she didn't understand what he was saying.  Then her face lit up with surprise! She looked at me and shouted, "A baby?!" I smiled and nodded.  She literally shouted YAAAY, with excitement.  I laughed looking around, sort of embarrassed that she drew some attention from our fellow diners. Haha!  So no more having to keep mum about it, making sure we didn't slip up and accidental tell... everyone knew.  It's so wonderful having such a great support system, in such a special time in our lives, it made me so ecstatic to know that our loved ones were happy for us.

I have always heard horror stories about pregnancy being terrible for some women.  And I've felt so bad for the ladies who spend the majority of the pregnancy over a toilet, but have also felt really fortunate and blessed that I've never known what that feels like.  Pregnancy has always been pretty smooth for me.  I mean I felt tired at times and even hormonal too, but for the most part I've enjoyed being pregnant.  I especially looove the special treatment you receive from others!  Especially the hubby! Late night runs to the store to fulfill an ice cream craving.  Or the, "No, no sweetheart I'll do it, just sit down" It's such a beautiful special time in a womans life.  To know that a precious little life, a piece of him and a piece of you, growing on the inside of you.  Depending on you for their every need, their very survival.  So close to you. You're feeling him or her while he or she is feeling you.  I love the process... going in for the visits seeing your baby grow and grow.  And watch yourself grow and grow! Haha! I mean yes, there's so much you have to go through to get them here, but I the trade off is more then worth it! I love it, almost every minute of it. I did say almost. :o)

So I was feeling great! A little more tired then usual, but besides that, totally fine.  Went into the doctor to get or first ultrasound picture at nine weeks.  The baby was sooo tiny, the size of a grape.

It seemed like life was in fastfoward, because time was flying.  I wanted time to go slow, because I really wanted to savor every minute of it, but before I knew it, I was showing with a little bump and getting ready to go in to find out the sex of the baby.

I can remember EVERYONE and they momma tellin me I was having a girl.  You have three boys already it has to be a girl is what they said.  I wasn't buyin it.  I'm not gonna front like I knew what the sex was, but I wasn't gonna fall into the hype.  I made it up in my mind and heart, that I didn't care.  Whatever God decided to bless me with, I would be fine with it.  So the day had come to find out.  We all were sooooo excited.  All five of us walked into the office. The nurse had taken us back into the room, and we all waited for the doctor to come in.  As I layed there, all the sudden clarity just came to my mind, and all these weeks and months of uncertainty faded. I thought to myself, for a moment then spoke aloud with a smile and said.  "It's a boy." The minutes felt like hours, as we waited, then the doctor finally walked in.  He wasn't very talkative at all and he began right away, by squeezing warm gel on my belly and then got to work, capturing lots of pictures and measurements.  Before long he captured this picture!

"IT'S A BOY!" I said.  We all laughed and smiled.  I can remember my face hurting so much from smiling so much that day.  All the boys could say is, "I can't believe it's another boy!"  Seeing him somehow made it all real.  As we headed to the parking lot, all still happy from the news, we loaded the kids up in the car.   Jamil and I still stood outside, we made eye contact, he smiled at me and I smiled back.  We hugged and kissed.  We were so happy.   One might think that since it was our  FOURTH baby, and our FOURTH boy, it would've been somewhat redundant, but oh boy it wasn't!  It had felt just as new and exciting as the first, the second, and the third.... We couldn't wait to meet our little boy!

Months flew by.  Me and baby were growing big and doin just fine! I was beginning to slow down a bit.  Even though I didn't want to! I felt I had soooo much to do, to get everything ready for the baby.

 I would create to do lists for myself, and wouldn't even complete half.  In my mind I was still the same, and I would think to myself, I can this done today, but physically I was VERY different and I'd end up having to rest more often then I wanted to.  I started to become very dependent on my husband.  As I think back, he did practically everything in those months.  Cooking, cleaning, kids... he did it all.  I would try to pitch in, but would be winded after doing the smallest task.  I'm so thankful for a loving, caring, understanding husband.  At one point we would both be literally falling into bed from exhaustion, him from working all day, then having to come home and work some more, to make up for what I couldn't do and me from the pregnancy draining every ounce of my energy.   I watched the days turn to weeks, and the weeks turn into months.

I knew we had to get the baby's nursery done, but when was there time? Before long, it was baby shower time.  I had some wonderful friends of mine, throw us a baby shower.  All our friends came and blessed our family so much! We were sooo thankful and appreciative.  We loved every minute of it!  I was about 8 months, we were gettin down to the wire.  Still had so much to do! How were we gonna do it all?  With shows, school, work, church, kids, birthdays, and everything else that was going on and lets face it, I was basically good for nothing, but baking this bun in the oven, so it was all left to, Jamil.  He was up until the wee hours of the morning painting and rearranging and wasn't even close to being done.   We finally realized we needed help with everything, there was no way we could get it done by ourselves.  So some good friends of ours came over and were more then willing to pitch in.  Whoo! What a blessing!!! One friend in specific came over almost every day!  He lifted furniture, cleaned, painted and I repayed him by feeding him! :o) I don't know how we would've pushed through without him! We we're so thankful that God had placed true reliable trustworthy friends in our lives, who we could really depend on!  It seemed like the day would never come, but the nursery was finally done, and we had every thing we needed for the baby.  Just in the nick of time to cause he was comin, and comin soon!

Although it was semi stressful, I really had a lot of fun decorating! I never got an opportunity to do a nursery before, I quickly got really into it! It was really nice seeing everything come together.  I had even taken an old dresser and completely made it over. The room turned out perfect, even better then I had imagined! I was really proud of it.

So Friday, December 9th, we were ready for our scheduled c-section at 5pm.  I had just hit 39 weeks and we're quite familiar with this process, being that I've delivered all three of my other children via c-section.  However, we were not prepared for me actually going into labor!! Because this has never happened before!  So early Friday morning at around 5:30am, I was awakened by some minor contractions.  I wasn't alarmed because this was common during my last month of pregnancy.  So I laid in bed, and as I began to feel more and more uncomfortable, my husband awoke from hearing me move around and from soft moans.  He jumped up and asked me if I was okay.  I told him yeah just having a few contractions.  We both still laid in bed, because as I said this was common.  When we noticed the contractions were consistently coming every 10 minutes or so, we soon realized, that this was something different!  This totally threw me off.  I was supposed to go in leisurely.  I supposed to do that last load of laundry, pack the boys up to go with their grandparents.  I was supposed to shower, shave my legs, put a little makeup on.  You know just take my sweet ole little time and head to the hospital later that evening.  NOPE! I'm having contractions that are now six minutes apart!  Let me just say my husband Jamil is a very, cool, and collected fellow.  He hardly ever gets his feathers ruffled in the most craziest of situations.  He's very logical and reasonable, that's just his nature, you know just cool, calm, and collected... NOT THIS TIME! I can hear his footsteps running upstairs from room to room.  I can hear him saying, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" over and over again.  "It's okay Jamil, calm down honey," I say, but he just wouldn't listen.  I wasn't panicked at all, but his panic was making ME panic! But through it all I stayed calm, when I wanted to spaz out, (the way my husband had) I stayed calm, even in the middle of all the pain, I stayed calm.  And with my husband loosing it... I stayed calm.  But nothing could prepare either one of us for what happened next.    

I get up from the bed and attempt to shower.  Jamil insists we don't have time for a shower.  But I insist even further.  "I'm going to have strangers all up in my "business" all day long today, I'm going to shower."  So as I'm in the shower, washing up, I feel a sort of pop and a trickle of water down my leg.  I think to myself, wait.  What was that? Did I just go potty on myself? Or was that the shower water?  Haha! "Whaaat?" I say aloud.  Big mistake. Jamil happened to be standing close by.  "What happened?" "Uh it's nothing" I say, trying to mole it over.  "Why'd you say that?" he says, not letting it go.  I think... uh I think my water may have just broken.  He grabs his head with both hands and says, "Are you serious?? Get out of the shower now! We need to go!"  As I'm getting dressed Jamil asks me, "Who do I call, what do I do?"  I tell him, (still having contractions through all of this, mind you) call my dad, (he lives the closest to us) and tell him to come pick up the boys.  "Oh yeah!! Okay!" He says.  So he does and grandpa is on the way.  I then tell him to call the doctor and she confirms, yes go straight to labor and delivery.  I'm slowly but surely getting dressed and I can still hear the pounding of footsteps, running back and forth.  My poor husband is so panicked, I've never seen him so frantic! LOL! He throws some clothes in a suitcase for the kids.  My dad arrives within a few minutes.  He takes the kids and the suitcase and proceeds to and fuel to the fire by telling Jamil, "You guys better hurry up and leave, you don't want to be delivering this baby on the side of the freeway!"  Thanks dad. Thanks a lot.  So my hubbs FLIES down the freeway, like we're in a high speed chase, while my contractions are 5 minutes apart.  I insisted over and over that he calm down, but there was no reasoning with this normally reasonable man! As we're driving his cell phone rings and it's his mom.  He gives her an update of everything that's going on.  And then says, "Here Candice, it's my mom." And proceeds to pass the phone to me.  I'm thinking in my head, what in the world??? I can barely breathe how am I supposed to conversate.  LOL!!! I was able to get out a few uh huhs and mmm hmms, before I just gave up and eventually just handed the phone back to him.  Here came another HARD contraction, I held onto the door handle tightly and tried to breathe slow.  Every little bump we hit on the road made it that much more intense! We finally arrive at the hospital all I can remember is being thrown into a wheel chair and flying down the halls.  Even the nurses in labor and delivery were very calm, they instructed us to fill out paperwork and wait in the lobby.  Jamil was in shock that they were so lax! I guess because of his lack of experience with labor, to him this baby was just gonna pop out at any second! LOL! Awww my sweetheart meant well.  Recalling everything now is so hilarious to me, because this is sooooo outside of his nature and character.  Once we got sent to our room and nurses were tending to me, he finally had his head screwed on straight! 

So I get all hooked up to machines and the nurses prep me for surgery, we have conversations with anesthesiologists, and my doctor, preparing us for whats going to happen.  By this time family and friend are here taking pictures, praying, and laughing and poking fun, about how my husband had nearly lost his mind! 

It's now time to go in to the surgery.  The room is icy cold, filled with nurses and doctors  busy scrambling around, arranging things, all with smocks and paper face masks on.  I glance to the left and I see a nurse setting up a table of sharp metal tools.  No ones really talking to me and I can literally feel my heart pounding and my hands slightly shaking.  I kept whispering in my heart, please God let everything go right, please let him get here healthy, safely and let him be ok.  As, I started to feel a little emotional, I heard a bell noise and then a woman's voice spoke over the intercom.  She spoke very gently and I soon realised she was reading scripture.  She spoke of how He is with you everywhere you go and He never leaves you alone.  God.  It was just the right word at just the right time. Exactly what I needed to hear in that very moment.  He spoke through her confirming that His presence was there with me.  So, at 9:30am we went in with anticipation of meeting our precious little angel, and at exactly 9:56am we heard the sweet cries of our precious boy. 


Jeremiah Peter was 8 pounds even and 20 inches long.  Both of us, Jamil and I, cried the minute we heard and saw him.  It was such a beautiful, magical, special moment.  My husband cut the umbilical cord and was busy taking lots of pictures.  As I looked at my little guy for the first time I immediately saw resemblance to my other boys.  

After staying in the hospital for what seemed like FOREVER we finally went home.  The recovery was hard.  I was in a lot of pain.  Could barley walk.  Everything hurt.  I was out for the count, but I'm so thankful to have great friends and family.  They brought us meals and groceries, babysat the kids, in the beginning as we adjusted to life with a newborn.  I'm also so thankful for such a supportive understanding husband.  He cooked, cleaned, took care of the kids, helped with the baby, gave me my meds, took care of me.  I mean, this man did practically everything by himself for 2 weeks.   My own personal superman!  If it hadn't been for him, I don't know what I would've done.  

I have to admit, I was nervous about how my other kids would respond to a new baby in the house.  Would they get jealous?  Would they feel left out?  Would they love him?  I'm so happy to say it's been none of the above.   They have been thrilled to have their baby brother! He's like a brand new toy.  They all ask if they can have turns holding him, feeding him, they've even changed a few diapers! They're always giving him kisses and playing with him.  I absolutely adore watching them enjoying they're little brother! They've responded so well to him and have been so involved, gentle, protective, patient and nurturing.   It's so heart warming and touching to see them love him just as much as we do.  

The transition of going from 3 to 4 hasn't been so bad.  Of course there has been a few days where it's extremely busy.  But for the most part it's been good and it has been a complete and utter joy to have this little blessing in our lives.  Something that was so unexpected turned out to be exactly what we  never knew we wanted and needed.   Jeremiah has brought so much life and happiness to the Mitchell household.  He's drawn us so much closer to each other.  We all have had such an amazing time watching him as he grows.  Each stage has been so fun to see.  I'm just stopping and soaking it all up, because I know before I know it, he's going to be crawling, walking, talking then running!  The question we always get. . .  Are you guys done?  Do you want to have one more and try for the girl?  I'll say this.  Our lives have been deeply enriched by our children that we just want to stop and enjoy the ones we have already and at this point in our lives, we're not even thinking about having another baby.  However, we're open to possibly having another child in the future, maybe, if that's what God has for us whether that be a 5th boy or a girl or if we'll stick with the 4 we got.  So I'll just say we'll see.  We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.   As for now we just want to completely rejoice and celebrate life as it is.  We'll saturate our children with all the love we have for them.  Sacrificing and giving them everything that we can, while training them in the way that they should go.  So thankful to God, for entrusting their precious lives to us.  

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