Something New...

Wow! A LOT in coming up for me! I'm so excited about it and to put all my thoughts in writing :o) 

I'm sitting at my computer munching on handfuls of Special K, anticipating the next chapter of life that awaits me.  So many exciting things coming up, it's challenging to try and be patient, yet I force myself to be still, patient and wait, as hard as it is.  What is it, you ask?  Well, it may not be as monumental to you as it is to me, but I've waited a while for this timing and now I can finally see it on the horizon.  It's...well... let me backup and give you a little history.  

Some years ago I had strong passions I wanted to pursue, in MANY different areas.  I was bound and determined that I would see these things come to fruition, I knew all I had to do was work hard and apply myself and all my dreams would come true...   All of that came to a screeching halt, because I became a wife and VERY soon after became a mother.  I honestly didn't even notice the transition of my priorities, until... well, until very recently.   Something just innately clicked inside of me and I was gripped with an intensity that I had never experienced before.  I fell in love with my family.  I wanted nothing, but to do everything I could, to give them the very best, meanwhile my dreams lye dormant in my heart.  I wasn't sad or heartbroken at all, because like I said I didn't even notice.  While those dreams of the past got pushed aside, I now had a new dream.  So, fast forward to over a decade later of marriage and add 2 more little munchkins to the story and BAM, here we are.  I just recently realized all of this and with the support and encouragement of some really great people, I've thought to myself, "Yeah, why shouldn't I go for it, why can't I do both?"  And you know what? I can. 

I know that it will be a lot of hard work, but I'm a tough cookie and I'm up for the challenge, I also know that I'm not in this alone.  I have faith that, all your dreams and desires have been placed in your heart for a reason.  I believe that I have been destined for greatness, since before I was born.  The same drive and determination that I have had all these years for my family will now also be directed towards my dreams.  

I have sooo many things that I find I have a knack for! That I love! That I'm passionate about!  Soooo I'm gonna try my hand at it all! I'll edit as I go along, trial and error, live and learn.  But my heart is pumpin and my spirit is stirred... Destiny! Here I come baby!  Pin It Now!

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